In a government statement in the Bundestag, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz once again pledged full support for Israel.

Berlin (dpa) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced a ban on the Palestinian Hamas group’s activities in Germany after the group attacked Israel and killed hundreds of people. In addition, the Palestinian prisoner solidarity network Samidoun will also be banned, as Scholz said in a government statement in the Bundestag. He also reiterated Germany’s full support for Israel. “At this moment, Germany has only one position: to stand with Israel,” the chancellor said.

Regarding the ban on Hamas and the Samidoun network, Scholz stressed that no anti-Semites should be tolerated. Security authorities will strictly enforce this rule. “Anyone who glorifies the crimes of Hamas or uses Hamas imagery will be punished in Germany. Anyone who approves of such murder and manslaughter or incites such crimes will be punished. Anyone who burns the Israeli flag will be punished Be punished. Anyone who supports terrorist groups like Hamas will be punished.”

Hamas has no official branch in Germany. Groups closely linked to Hamas were banned several years ago. As an additional measure, the ban announced by Scholz may be announced by the Federal Interior Ministry. A spokesman for the federal interior ministry explained that along with the ban on events, the organization is also prohibited from holding any gatherings. Hamas has been listed as a terrorist organization by the European Union and is also listed as a foreign terrorist organization in Germany. The use of Hamas symbols will be punished in Germany.