China News Service, September 20. According to the British “Independent” report,

British Defense Secretary Shapps promised when meeting with Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov on the 19th local time that the UK would firmly support Ukraine and provide it with tens of thousands of artillery shells.

According to the “Independent” report, the new British Defense Secretary Shapps and the Chief of Defense Staff Tony Radakin attended the “Ukrainian Defense Liaison Group” held meeting at the US military Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany on the 19th local time.

The “Ukraine Defense Contact Group” brings together ministers and senior officials from nearly 50 countries to coordinate support for Ukraine.

According to reports, this is the first meeting between Shapps and Ukraine’s new Defense Minister Umerov.

According to reports, after the meeting, Shapps said: “Today we demonstrated the UK’s unwavering commitment to Ukraine and offered additional military support, including tens of thousands more artillery shells.”

According to reports, the British Ministry of Defense stated that the United Kingdom has delivered more than 300,000 artillery shells to Ukraine.

Shapps further said: “To ensure Ukraine has the capabilities it needs to defend itself before winter arrives, we are also setting out how the UK will make further progress in our priority areas of support over the coming months, including air defense and long-range strike capabilities and training.”

According to reports, British Chief of Defense Staff Tony Radakin said: “Today representatives from 50 countries gathered in Ramstein, (Russian President) Putin should be worried. This is a real demonstration of the international community’s determination to continue to provide Ukraine with Military support required from winter to 2024.”