
Do you know Qixi Festival’s origin? Every year July 7th is designated as the Chinese Valentine’s Day in China.

The ancient Chinese astrology culture has a long history and is extensive and profound. The ancients explored the mysteries of the universe from a very early age, and deduced a complete and profound stargazing culture from it. “Cowherd and Weaver Girl” is a typical example.

The ancients discovered that there are two stars in the sky, separated by the Milky Way, two stars very bright. Reminiscent of the division of labor between men farming and women weaving at that time, they were called Altair and Vega respectively.

According to legend, every year on the seventh day of July, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl will meet on the Magpie Bridge in the sky, and because the festival is held at night, this day is called Qixi Festival.

In order to have the ingenuity of the weaver girl, the girls competed in needlework that day. Therefore, this festival is also called Qiqiao Festival.

With the invasion of Western Valentine’s Day, in order to protect traditional culture, relevant departments proposed to regard Qixi Festival as Chinese Valentine’s Day.