On September 23, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, said in an article today that the main driving force behind China’s automobile exports this year is the improved competitiveness of Chinese products, a slight increase in the Central and South American markets, and the complete replacement of international brands in the Russian market by Chinese cars.

In August 2024, China exported 610,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 39% from August 2023 and a month-on-month increase of 10%, with a good year-on-year and month-on-month trend; from January to August, China exported 4.09 million vehicles, with an export growth rate of 27%.

IT Home Attached The top 10 countries in my country’s total vehicle exports from January to August 2024:

Russia 705,514 vehicles

Mexico 323,540 vehicles

UAE 203,048 vehicles

Brazil 192,254 vehicles

Belgium 182,504 vehicles

Saudi Arabia 161,261 vehicles

UK 137,925 vehicles

Australia 118,888 vehicles

Philippines 104,402 vehicles

Turkey 95,650 vehicles

Among them, Australia, Thailand, Ecuador, France and other markets declined significantly from January to August 2024; the Central Asian and Russian markets performed relatively strongly, and the Brazilian and Russian markets also became the core markets for growth.

China’s exports of new energy vehicles to developed countries have shown a high-quality development, mainly to Western Europe and Southeast Asia. In the past two years, developed countries in Western and Southern Europe such as Belgium, Spain, Slovenia and the United Kingdom have continued to be export highlights, with a slight decline in August. This year, exports to American countries such as Brazil have strengthened.