
Berlin (d.de) – In the winter semester 2022/2023, German universities enrolled a total of 367,578 international students, an increase of 5% year-on-year. With this new record, Germany overtakes Australia to become the third most popular country to study in the world. Ranked first among non-English speaking countries. Commenting on the data, German Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Wasinger said: “Also taking into account the shortage of skilled workers, this is very good news for Germany as a science base.” The data are provided by Jointly released by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Center for Universities and Research (DZHW).

In terms of country of origin, India ranks first for the first time, with approximately 42,600 first-year students studying in Germany, more than Chinese students. The number of Ukrainian students has increased significantly: it currently stands at 9,100. Even after graduation, Germany remains attractive: 45% of international students are still living in Germany ten years after starting their studies, the highest share in an OECD comparison with Canada.

“German universities have a good record of attracting international students and doctoral students, which is an important lever to solve the severe shortage of academic talent.” said Dr. Joybrat Mukherjee, Chairman of the German Academic Exchange Service, Professor. This also applies to research institutions: “It is no coincidence that almost one third (29%) of the scientific staff at research institutions affiliated with major research associations such as the Max-Planck Society or the Leibniz Society come from abroad .In universities, this proportion is 14%.” said Professor Monika Jungbauer-Gans of the German Center for Higher Education and Research.