VW 50065 CR2

At solucky steel, we’re proud to sell VW 50065 CR2 with good quality and competitive price. VW 50065 CR2 is a popular choice for many customers because it offers an excellent combination of strength, durability, and affordability. Made from high-quality materials, VW 50065 CR2 is built to last. And because we offer it at a competitive price, you can be sure you’re getting a great value for your money. If you’re looking for a VW 50065 CR2 that’s both high-quality and affordable, solucky steel is the place to shop. VW 50065 CR2 is just one of the many products we offer, so be sure to browse our full selection today. Thanks for choosing solucky steel!

VW 50065 CR2 is introduced and Mechanical properties (Mpa):

The material VW 50065 CR2
Chemical composition C% Si% Mn% P% S% Ai%
≤0.10 ≤0.50 ≤0.50 ≤0.065 ≤0.045 ≥0.010
Mechanical property YS TS(MPa) EL
140-240 270-370 ≥34

VW 50065 CR2 Product features:

Because there is no after annealing treatment, the hardness is very high (HRB is greater than 90), mechanical processing performance is poor, only simple has directivity of less than 90 degree bend processing (perpendicular to the direction of the winding). In simple terms, cold rolling, it is on the basis of hot-rolled coil processing rolling out, in general is hot rolled to pickling, cold rolling process.

Cold rolling is under the status of the processed by hot rolling plate, while in the process of machining for rolling will make the steel plate temperature, nonetheless called cold rolling. By hot rolling through continuous cold deformation of cold rolling, with poor mechanical properties, hardness is too high, must pass through annealing to restore its mechanical properties, without annealing called hard rolls. Hard coil is commonly used to do without bending, stretching products, thickness of 1.0 the following hard good luck or quadrilateral bending on both sides.


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